Sunday, May 1, 2011

Mr. High School revisited

Disclaimer: This warning really only pertains to the person I'm writing about...I'm aware that I make this blog public...which might be a mistake on my part, but!!! I know that there's a chance for the people I write about to read a blog post about them! So, Mr. High School, forgive me if I say anything off or if you're offended by anything, don't take anything personally, this is just how I process things...this is how the woman you're interested in works...hahaha...eep! Hopefully you'll stay interested!

So, to all my avid readers and friends, remember that entry I wrote almost a year ago...last august..about my date with Mr. High School? In case you forgot, you can either reread the entry here, or I can give you a quick rundown. It was a nice date, I enjoyed the conversations, seeing how he grew into this man since high school was nice, but! I was taken aback by how short the date was and confused by the follow up. After that date, a month or so later we tried to get together again and then we kind of just didn't and that was that. I hadn't heard from him since then until about a month ago.

It was nice hearing from him again, but I definitely wasn't as into it as I was last year because I felt like all he did was send mixed messages and wouldn't follow through with things. So, naturally, I had my guard up a bit. We've been texting back and forth for maybe a month now, it's been nice. I did mention something to him about his flaking and he apologized, said he's got all his focus on me now...

Last Sunday we decided to hang out, I say hang out because I'm not sure if it was a date or what it was so I might refer to it as a date or whatever, I dunno blah! It doesn't matter! We didn't meet until 10pm at a local restaurant. It was really nice seeing him again.  (Sidenote: Remember 2 weeks ago I wrote a post titled "What's your shoe size?" and I started it off with what my coworkers top 3 things are they look for in a significant other. Well, when one of them mentioned that arms are one of their top 3 I didn't get it until I hugged Mr. High School hello. Hugging him hello and goodbye, I just wanted to stay wrapped up in those arms of his forever!)

Anyways, this date went really well! We, again, had some good conversations. I definitely enjoy chatting it up with him. I loved learning new things about him, last time he was passionate about politics and this time he was too. One thing I enjoyed hearing him talk about, was electricity. He's an electrical engineer and he loves electricity. Let me just say that I love hearing people talk about things they are passionate about. He's a cutie.

So, it was getting late, around 12, and we decided to call it a night. He was going to try and pay for the bill but I said NO!! The only reason he let me pay was because I said I wanted to treat him for his birthday which was the following day.

Can I go back to talking about his arms? Well, I was so looking forward to saying goodbye!! Not because I wanted the date to end, but so I could get wrapped up again. Seriously, maybe it's because there's a lot of stuff going on in my life and being wrapped up in someones arms is all I've been wanting...needing!!! I don't know, but mm mm mm his nice strong arms....sigh.  I might have to substitute that for one of my top 3.

In all seriousness though, who knows where this is headed? I have no expectations like I normally do when things get started with boys.  I am so busy and feel like I'm being pulled in a million directions... well maybe only 3 directions, but they're 3 big directions that take up so much of my time and energy, emotionally and physically. So with this dude I'm in the mind frame that whatever comes comes, whatever goes goes, it is what it is.

It's funny because when I was with Mr. Hands I was fighting for a "serious relationship," and here I am not really caring at all what comes of this, just letting things flow. I guess a persons wants/needs can be altered when new elements are presented (I think I'm trying to sound smart...but I don't think it's working.).

Arms....arms....arms....arms...arms.....sigh... one thing I know that will remain constant for now is that I can dream of his hugs :) Sadly, that's the only thing I have room in my head to dream of. Well, it's not so sad, hugs are amazing things!



  1. There really is nothing like a great set of arms wrapped around you. : ) Good luck with this guy. Just take it day by day.

  2. I love your writing too, I miss you soo much! keep being beautiful =) oxoxox

  3. Good strong arms are great! Especially when attached to a lovely man. Good Luck! I hope things work out well!
