Sunday, April 10, 2011

What's your shoe size?

Long overdue... I KNOW!!!! Life has been insane the past couple of weeks! I'm mad at myself for skipping posts two weeks in a row!!! WAAHHH!!!! sigh.... My sister got married 2 weeks ago so that weekend was hectic, then last weekend was busy busy as well! Anyways, I wont dwell on the boring stuff... let's get to the good stuff!!!

This week at work a coworker of mine decided to start a discussion topic that started out pretty innocent and ended pretty dirty...rawr! So, just a heads up to the dirtiness that will follow :)

My coworker decided to take a poll and asked everyone at work what the top 3 things are they notice in  a person they'd be interest in. The boys said basically T&A (typical boys), the gals said eyes, smile, teeth, hands, shoulders, and package (I feel like I'm missing something?). So, that's how this innocently started. Then we got to talking about on how a woman can tell what the dude is packing.

One coworker said that its all in their thumbs. That there is a correlation  between a guys thumb and what he's packing. I've always thought there was a definite correlation between dudes hands and what he's packing. If he's got long fingers then hes packing something with length, if he's got chubby fingers he's got some girth.  I mean, you might've read somewhere in this blog that a mans hands are pretty important to me, but it has nothing to do with what he's packing. I just love a workin' man, a man that's got man hands!!! Hands where there are scars, a little rough (NOT TOO ROUGH!!!eww!), hands where you can see his veins on top(crazy?).  Man hands that are fragile and dainty and pretty, just bug me!


Then someone asked a customer, a gay man, what his tips are and how he sizes a man to speak. This man also started talking about hands. What he said was really interesting though!!! And!!!! Made perfect sense! He said that what a man is packing is no thinner than his middle and pointer fingers and no thicker than his 3 middle fingers. How does this make perfect sense? Well, when a dude is getting it on with a chick and he's fingering her, a good way for him to know if he's gonna "fit" is by using that theory! Very interesting!!! Now! I don't know if its true, I can't go asking my exes to email me pics of his hands so I can figure it out, and I don't have a boy to test this theory on, but I believe it, if I think back really hard, it makes sense. Like I said, I've always thought there was a direct correlation between a mans hands and what he's packing.

Then there's the whole idea that his length is from the bottom of his palm to the tip of his middle finger, or from the tip of his pinky to the tip of his thumb (if his hand is stretched.). Anyways! Interesting facts hu? Nothing  SUPER important, just interesting, and maybe insightful? haha?

Then!! The coworker who started this whole conversation said that there was a secret that men used to know the depth of a woman. We, all of the female workers, were shocked and needed to know what it was! He wouldn't tell us! So there we were, crowded around him, nagging him, begging him to tell us!!! We started throwing out guesses,  is it the mouth? ears? hands? How?!!?!?! He said that it had nothing to do with her face. He refused to tell us, so, on our breaks we googled it on our phones to try and find out....nothing, nothing surfaced!!!

Finally, a customer, who's cool with the coworker came in and we asked him. Good thing the coworker wasn't around because he would've told the customer not to tell us. So, we ask the customer "what part of the female body does a guy look at to tell what her vag is like?" and right away, with no hesitation he says "her feet."

Feet?! really!?!? So, if you take a woman's shoe size, change it to a mans size that apparently is her depth. I think that's pretty crazy and makes no sense what so ever! These boys apparently swear on it.  The customer also had the audacity to say that short girls can't handle it.... I was like "wait!? excuse me!? are you saying I can't handle it?!!? That's bullshit! I can handle anything!!" :) hahaha This dude was also saying that just by looking at a chick, how she stands, how she walks he can tell if she can "handle" him...rolls eyes... btw... I looked at this dudes hands, and if all of our theories are right...he aint packin :) hahahaha which goes on to prove another theory, the more they talk the smaller they are!!


sigh... my oh my.... what an interesting day that was... and of course that day and the ones that followed I couldn't stop looking at males hands and either being intrigued, disgusted, or giggly about it.  At one point the coworker that I sit next to and I were both looking at one of her customers hands and looked at each other and just started cracking the fuck up, it was too too funny!!!

Anyways, I hope this post made up for the absence of the past 2 weeks!

I promise to have one next week as well!

Love love love!!!

To all you single lads and lasses out there (and taken ones as well), check out  the feet and hands out there, it's fun!!!




  1. idiotic post that is more like mindless dribble...

  2. well, hello hello Mr. or Ms. Anonymous! I welcome criticism with open arms, I would love to know who you are :)
