Thursday, October 14, 2010


So, dreams.... what can we say about dreams... there is a lot of money being made out there with those dream dictionaries floating around. Do any of them hold any kind of truth? Any real value? Maybe when it comes to concrete things like birth, death, buffalos things like that (not to say that birth and death and life is concrete).... but one thing a dream dictionary cannot decipher is the Ex. Those lovely dreams we wake up from that leaves us tormented for the rest of the day, the fuckin' ex has to pop up during our lovely REM time. As if they didn't already cause enough turmoil!?

No matter which way the dream goes it always ends up being bad. Alright, I'm probably being negative nancy again, I'm sure there are some nice dreams that just leave a nice smile on your face. Or maybe if you have a significant other the dream doesn't bother you as much. But even so, I'm sure deep deep deep down inside there lies some longing, or bitterness, anger, distress :)

So, I don't know how you go about your ex dreams but seriously... shit, i guess i don't know how i go about mine. Sometimes I get them and I wake up from them I think about it for a bit and I let it pass. When I'm not over the dude I get realllly angry. Hulk like angry, almost like the second half of my last post :)

Anyways, most of the time I try to find meaning to this ex dream. First of all why is he in my head still, why?!?! Second of all, what the fuck does it mean? Third of all get the fuck outta my head!!!!!! Fourth of all if it means something good, then give it to me already universe!! GOSH!!

Lets tackle the first one: Why is he still in my head, why?!?! So he's obviously still in my thoughts, in my conscious or subconscious thoughts. I find it being the case that he's probably in both. Whenever a conversation about the ex pops up I almost always have a dream about him that night or within a day or 2. So, maybe I should train myself to just not talk about my exes anymore. Just never talk about them. I'm not saying I talk about them all the time, well, maybe I do? sheesh.... I'm sorry to my friends if I do. I think I do... ugh.. THAT'S MY PROBLEM!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!!

Second, What the fuck does it mean? So, while some dreams are kind of decipherable others are just not. Like, I had a dream the other night featuring my most recent ex and it was so weird. It was a mix of him telling me he's moving to the east coast and wants to be with me and marry me, and then we went through all that and then it ended up with him ALSO marrying some other chick. So, what the fuck does that mean? According to my assumptions :) and my calculations, I think my most recent ex has already moved on and has started seeing someone. So maybe that dream symbolized the movement from me to her. Either way, the dream fucked me up...shit, this whole thing fucked me up.

Then there are times when I'm with someone and an ex pops up. Or, get this! A friend of mine was telling me and my gals how she has a dream about her ex at least once a month!!! And they have been broken up for like... what'd she say? 4 yrs? So what does that mean? She's completely over him and is in a relationship now, but what the fuck does that mean? Does he have some significant role, some significant meaning every time he pops up?

Thirdly, Get the fuck outta my head!!!!! Seriously, get the fuck out of it. I know it's not you and that it's totally me.. but please just fuckin' spare me! I don't need to rehash my feelings over and over every time I wake up from dreaming about you! Like I said before, I guess I just need to learn to not think about an ex, not actively engage my brain in the ex.... cuz then his stench wanders off into other parts of my brain and I'm left dreaming about him. GAH!

And, last but not least if it means something good, then give it to me already universe!! GOSH!! (Here comes the desperate ::achem:: passionate? paragraph :))Seriously. You know how some of the dream meanings out there sort of mean the opposite? Like Death actually means something good. It actually means birth... a rebirth of something... the ending of one thing leaves the door open for new possibilities. So, if I have a dream with an ex in it, will it mean a hot Italian stallion (actually, no, I'm assuming Italian Stallions are cocky! But I think you get the idea.)...okay, no Italian stallion... just some good guy will come knocking on my door.... yeah.. okay... nice try, I know. If that's what EX dreams meant, I'd have a fuckin' line of men at my door. But seriously, if it will lead to something good, if the culmination of all these annoying EX dreams leads to a pot of gold, I'm ready for it. I am 100% ready for this good thing to come. Universe, just give it to me, hand it on over. Maybe I just gotta give more to the universe to get a better response....

So, if any one out there wants to make a good deal of money, please write a dreams dictionary solely on dreams involving exes! I'd do it, but it'd just be a bitter bitter angry book :) That's how I roll!

Until next time!


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