Sunday, October 31, 2010


Minus the Bounty part of this.... lets all sing this together!

I'm sorry..... so sorry.

I've recently been writing letters back and forth with this friend of mine who has done me wrong in the past. He apologized in his last letter to me, but what got to me, and this is something I've realized so many times before, was : WHY CAN'T MEN SAY THEY ARE SORRY. All you have to do is say or write "I'm sorry." Two very simple words. Very simple.

Now, I understand you have that fuckin' ego thing in the way but seriously... in all of my relationships with men not one that I can remember have ever said "I'm sorry" when they were clearly in the wrong. They have either 1. Denied it 2. Blamed it on me or 3. Said it in so many words just not by using those 2 simple words.

Gah!!!! It's just so frustrating. I know I'm being sexist here. I understand that both men and women have trouble apologizing. It just seems that every man I've run into, and men that some of my gals know, just don't have those 2 words in their vocabulary. It also seems that, okay, while these 2 words do exist in a males vocabulary they seem to vanish out of thin air once they enter a relationship. It's just all so confusing. I hope all of you that don't know how to own up to your shit, know that we do see that as you being weaker rather than stronger....right?

Anyways, maybe I'm being too negative about this all. I mean, maybe it is better that in the 3rd instance men do use all those words instead of "I'm sorry" because those other words, those acknowledgments, have more meaning? I hope that makes sense...

Take me for example. I apologize all the fuckin' time. I apologize way too much. I apologize so much that my coworker has started yelling at me about it. So maybe that makes my "I'm sorries" less meaningful? For stupid little things that clearly aren't my fault or I have no reason to be apologetic for my "I'm sorries" mean nothing. When it comes to serious matters, if I realize that I'm in the wrong, I will say "I'm sorry" and I will fuckin' mean it.

I get that having to say your sorry is a really hard thing to do, I get it. Denial isn't going to get you anywhere, because denial only means that you know you're in the wrong and you can't be strong enough to just give it up. Blaming me is complete bullshit, that just shows how unrealistic you are. Saying you're sorry in so many words I think is the best. So, scratch out that first paragraph of me bitching about this dudes lack of ability to say "I'm sorry" he did own up to his actions.

So, while I started this post with being pissed off that my friend didn't write those 2 words I'm okay with what he did write, he did acknowledge my feelings and by doing that he apologized. All you other dudes that deny and blame.... change your game because I don't know how long you'll last..... :)

I guess the problem is, is not realizing we are in the wrong. Maybe that's it. Maybe men just don't realize when they're in the wrong. They aren't as sensitive to other peoples feelings are women are. Once again, I'm not trying to be sexist, I'm sure there are men out there that are sensitive and in tune to other peoples feelings. I guess I just need to work on which men I allow into my life.

The thing is though, when I think about the main men that have come and gone in my life, they were super, hyper, uber sensitive, as much as they want to deny it, they were...still are. Which I guess comes to the conclusion that you can't get a good "I'm sorry" from a super sensitive man nor a hard core bad boy. The in-betweener would be a gals best bet.

So men, ya'll need to either learn how to say "I'm sorry" or how to acknowledge someones feelings. Ya'll need to stop being in denial and take the fuckin' blame! I know I'm not perfect and I know I've probably been in the wrong and have been in denial or blamed others at one point or another but, after all I am a woman and I am almost... well, pretty much 100% perfect ;)

hehehe... I allow you to yell at me :)

And! To bring this back full circle. You boys that don't know how to say "I'm sorry" you may want to look into having a relationship with Bounty :) The other boys out there that do know how to say "I'm sorry" or acknowledging feelings here's a big THANK YOU. Thank you for picking up after your mess!

So, let's all say "I'm sorry" and own up to it!!


p.s. While I do realize this was a men-bashing post, I would like to strongly stress again that I know women can be at fault of these things too.... it's just easier to blame you men...shit, there I go, putting the blame on you guys ::slaps hand:: ... sigh.... This does not discredit anything that I've said!!!!!!

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