I have a couple confessions to make..... I've spoken with some people about these confessions and some see things the same as I do... some don't... either way.... here are my list of confessions.
1. I hate or women sporting mullets doesn't matter what sex...what gender...whatever... I can't stand mullets! Even if you're super hot like Boone on Lost is/was... he was fuckin' fine, but he sported a mini mullet and every time he turned his head and I saw the back of it.... my head turned towards the bucket.
2. I want to hook up with a chick. There ya go, I said it! Not that there's anything wrong with wanting to, it's just been inside of me for too long. While my closest friends know this, I figured I might as well get it out in the open. I'm going to be honest and say that I'm one of those stereotypical straight girls that just wants to experience a nice, hot, hookup with a nice, hot, chick :)
3. Crotches. Whether it be men or women, I have a tendency to stare at them. With women it's more so the case of making sure they don't have a camel toe. I can't stand camel toes, and I do not understand how women (or men) who sport them could stand them either. Seriously people, that shit can not be comfortable! And men, while it's nice to get a heads up as to what the deal is with your package, when you're wearing pants that seriously act as saran wrap or some shit and you can SEE it.. please... do not expect me NOT to look at it. I mean, maybe that's the whole point. I know not a lot of American men wear pants THAT tight, European men do for sure.... I have a story to tell and I'm not sure if it's appropriate.... heck.. I'll share it anyways!
A couple of years ago I was visiting family in France. Yep, Europe. Which means that there's the possibility that some of my family members enjoy sporting tight pants. One night, the possibility became factual. We were all getting ready to go out for a nice dinner. I was hanging out in the living room and one of my male relatives walks in with tight ass fuckin' pants! Okay, so, his shit was literally right in my face, I couldn't NOT look at it! So, I did, only for a quick second... and then... I think he caught me looking for that one split second... and thus began the stream of awkward vibes throughout the rest of the trip.... sigh..... This past summer when I went to visit again.... he wore the pants, I made a mental note not to accidentally look.
Sidenote: So when I think about this next confession and confession #3 it leads me to believe that maybe I just really need to get laid....??.... it's been a while... anyways! On to confession #4!!!!
4. Sometimes when I'm in public places, I peruse the sea of people, and point out men in my mind. I look at them and decide which ones I'd fuck and which ones I wouldn't fuck. I know this might sound odd and a bit vulgar perhaps....but I know I'm not the only person that thinks this way!! I KNOW I'M NOT! Here's the worse part. When I go to "holy" places it's worse. I see men with their wives and I think to myself, yeah I'd do him....probably better than his wife!!! eep!! I'm going to hell!!!! I seriously need to get laid, this is so sad!!
5. I do this really horrible thing where I tend to fall for boys that look like my exes. So bad! I know! Like, Mr. Dickies, totally reminds me of an ex asshole of mine. I'm a masochist I guess? I don't know. I definitely have the same taste which is good I guess, but then I create all these ideas that the ex-look-a-like is just a better version of the real ex. When I moved to CA the first time, there was this boy I met at a social thing, and he looked exactly like my ex (the one I left when I moved to CA) so of course my wounds were still sore, I kinda stuck to that poor ex-look-a-like like a fuckin' leech...
That's all I have for now.
I know, you readers are lucky this week.. what? 3 posts in one week!! Hot damn!!!
So, If I ever miss a week, I don't want to hear any bitching or complaining! ya hear!!!!? hehe
And, forgive me if this sounds choppy or if I have typos, I'm posting this at 1am and I'm about to pass out!!!
What are some of your confessions?
Sunday, September 12, 2010
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oooh! loved this post. thanks for sharing your confessions with us! my fave is probably #5. something i've been obsessed with lately is the idea that studying our patterns can help us change them. i like that you touch on that same concept in a way i had never thought about before. really insightful.