Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year

Well folks, Happy New Year.... it's a fresh new year, a fresh new start, a chance to make up for what ya missed out on in 2010 (read twenty-ten :) )..... a new chapter in life! Although, I like to think of our birthdays as our own New Year because really, this is our own lives we are living, we are the main character here sure lets celebrate the New Year according to christian calendars, but this is our lives... anyways... im going in circles... I'm tired and have a slight headache, don't mind me!

So, I feel like this entry should be complied of lists... lists of things that sucked in 2010 (remember, twenty-ten) and things that rocked... and maybe a list of my goals for 2011 (twenty-eleven)... but hm, I don't know, let's see how this will go!

2010 Sucked Ass

Alright, maybe I'll just summarize my romantic life and the negative things..... get it out of my system so I can make room for positive shit for 2011! So, hmm... hard to imagine that last New Years I was celebrating it with my ex in CA.... IT'S FUCKING SURREAL! It feels like it had to have been at least 2 or 3 years ago! But this happened just one year ago! So, the new year was alright..... then a month later we (ex and I) finally put an end to our dreaded, rotten, negative, aksjdfhskfjhsd relationship :)  Looking back, I sometimes feel like it should have ended months earlier, but that's a different conversation for another time :)

So the start to my 2010 new year kinda blowed!

January was spent in a black hole.
February was spent crashing at a friends place trying to find a place to live, ending up deciding to move back to the east coast.
March was a deeper black hole, being back on the east coast dealing with the break-up.
April- July/Aug total fist-in-air "I conquer all that is negative" and "FUCK YOU EX!!!"
Aug-Oct/Nov trying to be okay with being a single lady trying to enjoy me time.
Nov-Dec rockin' it!

Shit's a motherfuckin process yo!

Anyways, for the most part,  my 2010 sucked asss in the romantic part of my life.  It was all about Love stinkin :)

2010 Rocked!!! 

Haha... alright...So, I had some issues in the love department in 2010...obviously... but if it weren't for all that shit, I wouldn't be here writing these oh-so-awesome blog entries!!  Seriously though, the art to defeating negative shit is finding the positive in it all. So I spent many nights shedding tears over a broken heart and fuckin' confusion and self doubt. In the end I came out strong!! I created this blog!! How did it start? I joined the lovely okcupid and went on 2 bad dates and decided to write about them and write about the silly shit that goes on in my dating life. This whole thing is a process of self discovery, self realization. Without the help of this blog and the other lovely bloggers that I met entering the blog world, I don't think I would have the confidence and the sense that being single is OK. I know this truly is a paragraph of cheesiness!!


Looks like it's going to be a great year!!! With all the shit I learned in 2010, all the shit I conquered I am bound to truly own this new year!!! I don't have any goals for my love life for this new year, I'm just gonna take a nice stroll and let it flow and whatever happens happens. Well, I guess that sort of forms into a good goal for this year. Let It Be. It's okay if you're single, it's okay if you're not.... Don't put pressure on anything, stay true to yourself, and let love come and go, or stay a while... whatever path love chooses just go with it.

Anyways, that's my 2cents... or more.... on this new year and last year and love and la de da-ness

Have a wonderful year ya'll!!!


1 comment:

  1. Since 2010 sucked so bad, there is no doubt that you have a lot to look forward to in 2011! I just know it will be a great year for you-like I said, you deserve it!
