Sunday, March 13, 2011


Well, hello hello!

I'm not quite sure how this post is going to turn out! Let's see! I guess there are a couple things I need to touch on!

1. So, I realized something very very interesting and kind of shocking this weekend!

I always write about different dating sites and how they suck and yet I'm still stupidly drawn to them. I annoy myself! This weekend in class I was chatting it up with a classmate of mine and he was telling me how he met his fiance and I was telling him about my blog and la de da. Anyways, you'll never guess how he met his fiance.... he met his fiance the same way a friend of mine met her hubby... it was online... not through a dating site though! Not through Facebook, or Myspace (who uses that anymore?).... it was through a website I normally go to looking for jobs, apts, furniture etc. .... fuckin' Craigslist!

I wonder if I've talked about Craigslist, I might've mentioned how once in a while I check out the missed connections secretly hoping that by some lame ass romantic cupid type of way someone (my future husband, of course) would write about a bank teller that helped him make a deposit (me). Big SIGH! Yep,  hopeless romantic I am.  UGH!!!!!!!!!! LAME!!!!!!! okay.... anyways!

He met his fiance on Craigslist! My friend in CA met her husband on Craigslist! What is this! How in the?!?!? I mean with all the spamming, pornishness, and psycho killers that goes on there, finding true love on the List is possible?!?!!?!  I never really got to talk in depth with my friend about how she  landed her hubby on the list, but my classmate was telling me how it worked out really well for him. He said he pretty much posted an ad on there, which reminds me of the marketeer post I wrote 2 weeks ago, he wrote what he was looking for and he got it! I mean, I think he said he went through a few crap ass people but then he met his fiance and BAM! So, naturally, this intrigued me. No, I did not write an ad on the list but I did go and check out what people wrote.

Some dudes were looking for one night stands, some dudes were just lookin to hang out with a girl because they were tired of hanging out with the boys, some dudes were looking for cuddle buddies (haha mmhmm.) This one guy wrote about how he hadn't had a girlfriend in a few years and he was looking to pay someone to pretend to be his girlfriend. To go over to his place and hang out with him while he cooked dinner for her and all she had to do was pretend to be into him and cuddle up and watch a movie on his couch half drunk. Now, if we lived in a trustworthy society I might have actually went for it, but seriously? I wouldn't be able to go over to some complete strangers place, have him cook for me, pour me some wine (and possibly slip a roofie while I wasn't looking) and cuddle with him while he took advantage of me?  Hahaha maybe I'm a bit crazy for thinking to far into that!  No thank you!!!

Then there were some decent ones that were just looking to meet someone on a serious level. I was semi-tempted to reply to one but the whole thing just felt weird. Why should it though?! I mean, I'm on these lame ass dating sites, only difference is that on C-list there aren't pictures. Maybe seeing pictures make the men seem more real and trustworthy? I don't know, there's a whole psychological thing going on, I'm sure.  The thought of posting an ad on there crossed my mind, why wouldn't it? But eh, I don't know if I can. I would run into the same wall of not knowing what to say and possibly sounding like a fake lame ass.

Anyways, it's interesting isn't it?!  I think it's really great that people have been able to find love on there, I'm not trying to be negative about it. Props to them! I'm just being pessimistic because I'm loosing faith in all of this.  Anyways, it's pretty awesome, a website where I can find my career, find an apt, furnish it, and find a husband what a sweet package deal!

2. So! Since being back and forth on okc I've been messaging with a few dudes, no one really tickled my fancy to want to take it further than messaging with them.  BUT!!! GET THIS!!!! I had an old 20Something20st celebrity e-mail me! You would not believe who it was!!!!! Put your 3D glasses on and take a ride with me to the past... haha did ya get the hint??? MR. NERDGASM MESSAGED ME!!!! WAAAH!!!!

He sent me a message saying this:

I remember messaging you back in July but I completely forget if we got anywhere with our conversations...

And since you seem like a super interesting person I decided what the heck I'll message you again! :D

First of all! So, if you remember messaging me back in July, why don't you read the messages and get to the end of them where I turned you down after that agonizing date, and prevent yourself from making a bigger fool of yourself. I'm an ass, I'm being a COMPLETE ass, I'm aware of it, but...really? really??  I'm an ass!!! Oy, I'm an ass! I didn't message him back because... how the fuck do you reply to that?  Say something like "Hey, thanks for the message, we did message each other back in July but it didn't work out. Hope all is well! Take care!" Oy! Oy! Oy!....shudder.... sigh.

Oh! and Second of all, if you did read all the messages and saw that I wasn't interested after our date, do you really think I'd be that stupid to somehow forget who you were and accidentally go on another horrendous date with you? 

Anyways, I don't remember what else I had to write about. I guess that's that! One interesting topic and one update! Super! I don't know if this post did anything for ya'll... or for me... well it is making me think about personal ads...again.... I really should just let go of it all and forget it all. I'm gonna go back to just accepting that I'm gonna be an old lonely cat lady... not that that's a bad thing, cats are super cool :)


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