With this dude I wasn't 100% into him like I was with Mr. Teeth, so I figured it was a good thing. I thought that maybe it would work out oppositely than it did with Mr. Teeth. If I wasn't super into this dude at first, maybe when meeting him there will be fireworks!?!?! sigh, oh me!
His pics weren't that bad. He seemed a bit meaty. (I'm sure you can guess that I like dudes with a bit of meat, no scrawny boys.) He had a cute smile and his profile was silly. But, still, I wasn't as intrigued with him as I was with Mr. Teeth.
So, after setting up a time to meet this dude, the day of he postponed it to 30min later... and then showed up 20min late. I guess he had a good excuse, he had to go home after work to make sure his house wasn't flooded. It was raining crazy that day. I suggested we meet another day, but he declined. At the time I wished he hadn't, but in retrospect it was good I got this date over with.
We met up at a local gelato place just down the street from where I work. That way if it was a hot sweaty day I wouldn't have to travel far so I could look in tip top shape! It's a shame I wasted such a cute outfit on this dude...eeep! I can always recycle though! :)
I'm guessing you can already tell where this is going. The full 2 hrs I was with him I was thinking of ways to get out of the date!! I didn't know what to do!
WHY ME!?!!?!?!
Let me start off by saying that nerds are cute... well, some of them are.
This guy was an INTENSE nerd... IN-fuckin'-TENSE!!! Definitely not my type. He was all about Star Trek, Anime, and video games AND!!!....and... he was talking about all the things that gave him "nerdgasms." Now, I've heard the term "nerdgasm" before, in fact, I think my ex used it from time to time. This dude used it way too much! Way way way too much! Every other word had to of been fuckin' "nerdgasm."

And! I don't know if it's just me but people in their online pics look a little more meatier than they are in person.... I want some meat people! MEAT!!! He was a typical scrawny nerdy dude. I'm not trying to hate on nerds or scrawny people or a combination of the two, it's just not to my liking.
You know, silence isn't always a bad thing on dates. There's comfortable silence, and then there's awkward silence. Well, you can tell the date is going bad when there's a shit ton of awkward silence. At one point we were trying to think of things we messaged about on OKcupid to continue talking about. Oh, and in the bits of silence he would rub his chin/beard and have this thinking face on:

Anyways.. yeah, needless to say, it was a bad date.
Finally! He looked at his phone to check the time and he said "Oh! I have to put money in the parking meter" and I said "Oh?! what time is it?" (this was my exit!!!) He said "It's 6. We should go for a beer, or you know what? It's dinner time, lets get some dinner!" My response was "oh man! It's 6!! My brother is visiting from Rutgers and I told him I'd have dinner with him at 7! I'm sorry I have to go!"

Thank the lordy lord!! I was sort of telling the truth so I didn't feel that bad, but I did stumble over a few words hehehe oh man! But, alas, I WAS FREE!!!
So, as it turns out, he liked me. How do I know this?? Keep on reading!!
As soon as I get home I got a message from him saying " Wow it was really cool seeing you in 3-D and I didn't even need those movie theater glasses! When can we hang out again so I can tell my friends I'll be meeting a cool chick that day?"

In human language that would be translated to "I had a great time meeting you. When do you want to meet again?" or whatever a macho man would say.
So.. I waited a day to gather my thoughts and come up with a good rejection letter.. and it went something like this "Hey, it was cool meeting you. You're a cool guy but I just didn't feel a connection. I'm sure there's a girl out there for you! Good luck!"
He messaged me back telling me he was a bit bummed but c'est la vie sorta thing...
The End
Just kidding!
The next day I got another message from him telling me that he's going about his day normally then randomly thinks to himself "really?! after 2 hours it's over!" and that he thought that that was gonna win the "shortest date" but really his shortest date lasted around 30min....
I want to meet that girl and find out how she got out of it!!!!!
Not to be mean or anything but I think that should tell ya something bucko... I dunno... could be just me? haha "It's not you, it's me.... our relationship wouldn't last, I'd be too worried I wouldn't be able to give you as good a Nerdgasm as Spock could. sigh, sorry :( "
Moral of the story:
- FIND WAYS TO GET OUT OF THE DATE WHILE NOT FEELING BAD!!!!! Prepare yourself ahead of time :) I think putting it into practice as many times as you can would be beneficial, that way you wont feel as bad after the ... 10th failure. Well! Hopefully after the 10th failure you will have landed Mr. Right. So the saying goes "It takes going through 10 guys to find the right one." My question to that is "Is it just 10 or 10hundred? 10thousand?" I obviously need some sort of clarification here.
until next time!!
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