I think by now it's quite apparent that times have changed and we have become more dependent on science and technology...especially in connecting with people.
I grew up with computers... in fact, I grew up at the beginning of computer domination (that is, computers dominating humans :) ). Remember when prodigy existed? Remember when screens were Black, Green and Yellow? I remember when I was in middle school and I had an AOL account, I remember waiting for literally maybe like 10-30 mins to sign into AOL... dial up... remember that? Watching that little AOL man run...
Connecting with people was amazing to me!!! Back in the day chat rooms were the bees knees! I would chat it up with all sorts of people all around the U.S. ....... and online romances? ha!
I had like a bajillion online boyfriends and crushes!
Fast forward to now.
We have facebook, we had myspace (we still have it but it fuckin sucks), friendster... and all the online dating sites!!! eHarmony, okcupid, jdate, plentyoffish, match.com etc. etc. etc.
These sites aren't created just because... they're created because we clearly need them and want them and there's obviously a high demand for them. In today's world we work so much... so hard, we don't have time to socialize... I mean we do.... and even though we work hard, we're fuckin lazy asses because we'd prefer to know how our friends are doing by reading status updates, we prefer to find our future husbands and wives online because it's less intimidating... it's easier to get rejected online than in person... AND! It's easier to reject someone online than in person.
For my avid readers, you know how against these online dating sites I've been.... I've also been for them as well... I obviously can't seem to get away from them...
What's the point I'm trying to make? Well... this all leads to the combination of online dating and skyping.
I just recently realized that skyping with a person and dating them in real life puts a relationship on 2 separate levels! It really does!! It's so fucking interesting... someone should seriously do research on this! Two separate worlds working simultaneously.
Speaking from personal experience and from the experience of my friends here is what I have to say:
Your First Date
So, lets say you meet someone online.. on one of the dating sites mentioned above... I recently met someone on one of these sites and I skyped with them before actually meeting them.... When I mentioned it to a friend of mine he asked me "so, did you put make up on, did you look nice?" or something to the effect of that and i was like "shit? no!? was I supposed to!?!?" and he said "well, it is sort of like your first date."
BAM! It struck me! That?!!? That was my first date!? NO!!! No no no no no, it was not!!! In a sense though, if you really do think about it... it kind of was. If we weren't interested in each other after that first skype call, we probably wouldn't of gone on an ACTUAL first date. So, right there begins the 2 separate dimensions in dating one individual in person and online.
Yep! Intimacy ALSO goes on different paths in 2 separate dimensions within this one relationship. When you just start dating someone, back in the day you went on your first...second...third date and like waited a day or 2 to call the person... now you can "chat" with them whenever you'd like! You get to know the person, faster which is good... but on skype it's also a whole other story. That can get super intimate super fast! I mean, shit! You get to see a persons bedroom, a persons bed before your second date! There's nothing wrong by it at all... it's just so interesting that you can see certain things on skype before even really getting physically intimate... and by physically intimate I mean like holding hands or kissing or hugging... nothing sexual.
So here you are on one level "chatting" with this person everyday sorta being intimate and having "dates" while on the other level you're still trying to gauge who they are in person, still trying to be comfortable with them physically... its just interesting... doesn't that do something? Doesn't that somehow change the dynamic of a relationship... of how relationships are created??
I am, by no means, against any of this... I take part in it! I skype in bed in my pjs while dude is on the other end topless (owwww!!!) in his bed... that's pretty intimate. I just wonder if these 2 dimensions will have an effect on how we approach relationships now and into the future.... 50yrs ago boys were wooing girls with flowers and simple shit.... and now... we woo each other with one-liners on our dating profiles and putting make-up on for skype dates..... it's just interesting and strange how times have changed..
I don't think this will/dose have a negative effect, it lets us meet people in larger radiis and cuts out a lot of bs we normally go through.
But... like I always whine about...about wanting to meet my future husband in person rather than on-line.... we sorta miss genuity, happenstance, fate and destiny all of that.... we are missing out on.... but, since times have changed, destiny is recreated and so I guess this is our new kind of destiny.
It's just so crazy! Sometimes I wish I lived in the 50's or 60's.... I guess I'm just stuck... I have no problem with how dating is going on now a days.... but I also love that romantic idea of how things used to be... how dating was for our parents....
What are your thoughts? Do you think this will turn for the worse? More and more people are meeting their significant others on-line, so it is a good thing...
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Digital Love
digital love,
first dates,
Sunday, December 19, 2010
I'm not sure how long or short this post is going to be... I have a feeling it's going to be a short one.... unless I start to ramble on :)
So, I don't know what exactly got me thinking about this and wondering about this but...here it goes!
Break-ups.. blah blah blah I've written about them before, you've dealt with them before we all get the gist of that ish! We get left with heartache and pain and sadness and all that negative shit.. then slowly we start to see the light and birds and rainbows and la de da.... but then.. something that has happened to me, not sure if it has with any of you.... you start to notice some parts of them (the exes) that were left behind...
I'm not talking about t-shirts or boxers or any of that material crap...I'm talking about physical things!
Okay!!! I know you're probably confused as fuck and saying to yourselves "what the fuck is single sally talking about!?!?!" (hahaha) I know, I may be slightly insane....
Let me give you an example....
So, I never had dry skin when I was younger, my face was nice and smooth and ... nice...
My first serious bf (the one of 3 yrs) had good skin too... but! His nose was always dry and a lil flaky... (nothing gross or insane)... We broke up, la de da... la de da... and then!! get this!!! I started to notice that my nose was dry and flaky!!!!!!! Nothing intense but I began to notice it!!!! And I was like... could it be?!
I know that when you're with someone for a long time ya'll start to look the same or whatever that bullshit is... but flaky noses!!?!? no!
So, a flaky nose is a sort of leftover, if you will, from the first boy.... and lately, for some god awful reason, a reason I don't know why?!?!!?! I had been wondering what, if anything, kind of leftover the most recent ex might've or could've left behind... I was definitely hoping for NOTHING!!!!!!
I don't see anything... don't feel anything... so.. I am in the clear!
I'm going to quickly and lightly mention that I was on a date with a boy today (second date :)) and we were sitting in the planetarium... and he took my hand and we held hands.... maybe it's because it was warm in there... maybe it's cuz I WAS SUPER FUCKING NERVOUS (which it probably is)...but my hand started to get all clammy and sweaty... maybe it was cuz both of us were excited and nervous.. I DON'T KNOW!!
and then it hits me.... this, is my leftover from the recent ex.
FUCK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't want gross clammy hand syndrome!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!! Demon, get out of me!!!!!!!
I need to have an exorcism performed on me because fuck that! I don't want that shit!!!
okay! I know! I'm being a fuckin drama queen over here but a girl with clammy hands aint sexy!!!
And! I know i know i know it was probably because we were both excited and nervous... but still!!! WHY MUST I BE CURSED!!!!!
haha so...
What's your leftover?
So, I don't know what exactly got me thinking about this and wondering about this but...here it goes!
Break-ups.. blah blah blah I've written about them before, you've dealt with them before we all get the gist of that ish! We get left with heartache and pain and sadness and all that negative shit.. then slowly we start to see the light and birds and rainbows and la de da.... but then.. something that has happened to me, not sure if it has with any of you.... you start to notice some parts of them (the exes) that were left behind...
I'm not talking about t-shirts or boxers or any of that material crap...I'm talking about physical things!
Okay!!! I know you're probably confused as fuck and saying to yourselves "what the fuck is single sally talking about!?!?!" (hahaha) I know, I may be slightly insane....
Let me give you an example....
So, I never had dry skin when I was younger, my face was nice and smooth and ... nice...
My first serious bf (the one of 3 yrs) had good skin too... but! His nose was always dry and a lil flaky... (nothing gross or insane)... We broke up, la de da... la de da... and then!! get this!!! I started to notice that my nose was dry and flaky!!!!!!! Nothing intense but I began to notice it!!!! And I was like... could it be?!
I know that when you're with someone for a long time ya'll start to look the same or whatever that bullshit is... but flaky noses!!?!? no!
So, a flaky nose is a sort of leftover, if you will, from the first boy.... and lately, for some god awful reason, a reason I don't know why?!?!!?! I had been wondering what, if anything, kind of leftover the most recent ex might've or could've left behind... I was definitely hoping for NOTHING!!!!!!
I don't see anything... don't feel anything... so.. I am in the clear!
I'm going to quickly and lightly mention that I was on a date with a boy today (second date :)) and we were sitting in the planetarium... and he took my hand and we held hands.... maybe it's because it was warm in there... maybe it's cuz I WAS SUPER FUCKING NERVOUS (which it probably is)...but my hand started to get all clammy and sweaty... maybe it was cuz both of us were excited and nervous.. I DON'T KNOW!!
and then it hits me.... this, is my leftover from the recent ex.
FUCK ME!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't want gross clammy hand syndrome!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!! Demon, get out of me!!!!!!!
I need to have an exorcism performed on me because fuck that! I don't want that shit!!!
okay! I know! I'm being a fuckin drama queen over here but a girl with clammy hands aint sexy!!!
And! I know i know i know it was probably because we were both excited and nervous... but still!!! WHY MUST I BE CURSED!!!!!
haha so...
What's your leftover?
Monday, December 13, 2010
Mr. 2b
Alright! So, in last weeks first post, I lightly mentioned something I didn't want to jinx....well... I'm still not going to give you full details on what that is... but!!! I will reveal something to you lovely readers!!! Are you ready for this!?!?!
Ready for Miss Hypocrite 2010??
Here goes!!!
I... yours truly... miss single sally... miss single sally who wants to find true love in real life... has..... reactivated her okcupid account..... cringe!!!!!......
okay okay okay!!!
Lay it on me!! I can take it!!! I know I know I know!
I made a vow to myself and to you lovely readers that on-line dating wasn't for me! I tried it and I hated it! Maybe I didn't give it a solid, serious try? Maybe I put too much pressure on it! Anyways! I'm back on it and ready to take whatever it throws my way... well... not whatever it throws my way...
Let me digress a bit....
Back in the day, when I signed up on okcupid and I was actively using it, I started to think that, while I work at a bank... a public place.... in center city, I'm bound to run into a few people I see on okcupid!
There was this one dude that came into the bank once and I swear I saw him under my "Visitors" section of my okcupid profile... but neither of us said anything... which is a good thing.... it'd be weird and awkward....
This time, reactivating my account, I didn't think anything of it! The thought didn't even cross my mind! Well!!! Let me tell you something amazingly hilarious that happened to me on there the other day!
It was a late Wednesday evening, I had just gotten in from class and I slid under my covers, propped my laptop on my lap and proceeded to check my email and what not. I decided to casually check okcupid. So, I log in... check my inbox and BAM! I got an IM!
Dude: Hey
Dude: Do you recognize me?
Dude: You work at the bank, right?
Me: What?! Who is this? Hold on, let me check out your pics.... (mind you, his default pic was of him...shoulders down.... holding a surfboard... wtf?! That must say something?!!?! anyways...)
I click on his profile, then quickly click on his pics... and... well... here's the thing...there are 4 types of people/customers I remember/recognize at the bank:
1. Cute people
2. Annoying people
3. Mean people
4. Nice people
Well!! Wouldn't you know! He fell right into category #2!! Wait for it... it doesn't stop there!! I feel that category #2 has a few subcategories....
2a. Annoying chicks that think their good looks will make up for their stupidity
2b. Annoying dude customers that talk too much and think they're bad to the bone and try to put moves on you... they also tent to look mousey.... just their appearance annoys the fuck out of you.
2c. Customers who can't fill out a simple deposit or withdraw slip... all you have to do is read... READ!!!
The list goes on but those 3 are the top.
I'm sure you guessed that he falls in to category 2b of customers I remember at the bank.... if you did, then you're right! Go buy a lottery tickey, you're probably feeling pretty luck today!! haha Seriously though, that's the dude that IM'd me!!!
So, I reply with...
Me: oh, yeah, hey
Dude: How are you?
Me: good, you?
Dude: Good, So, how long have you been on here?
(meanwhile I had a message in my inbox and I was replying to it, and I was so flustered and annoyed by category 2 subcategory B dude that I accidentally sent the mail mid sentence and had to send an apology email lookin like an ass!!!!)
Me: Eh... I've been on and off... hey, I gotta go, cya around!
WTF!?!?! WHY ME?!?!!?
How insane was that!?! It just had to be subcategory 2b dude! Why couldn't it be a dude from category #1!!!!!!??? Sigh!! Just my luck!! Hahaha! It's a pretty funny story though!
I definitely don't look forward to the day he walks into the bank! Because you know that a dude from subcategory 2b would be the type that walks in all rico-suave like and bring it up!!! Get the fuck outta my face!!!!!!!
He will be referred to as Mr.2b from now on... so if he walks in and starts 2bing around... you bet your bottom dollar I'm blogging about it!!!!
Ready for Miss Hypocrite 2010??
Here goes!!!
I... yours truly... miss single sally... miss single sally who wants to find true love in real life... has..... reactivated her okcupid account..... cringe!!!!!......
okay okay okay!!!
Lay it on me!! I can take it!!! I know I know I know!
I made a vow to myself and to you lovely readers that on-line dating wasn't for me! I tried it and I hated it! Maybe I didn't give it a solid, serious try? Maybe I put too much pressure on it! Anyways! I'm back on it and ready to take whatever it throws my way... well... not whatever it throws my way...
Let me digress a bit....
Back in the day, when I signed up on okcupid and I was actively using it, I started to think that, while I work at a bank... a public place.... in center city, I'm bound to run into a few people I see on okcupid!
There was this one dude that came into the bank once and I swear I saw him under my "Visitors" section of my okcupid profile... but neither of us said anything... which is a good thing.... it'd be weird and awkward....
This time, reactivating my account, I didn't think anything of it! The thought didn't even cross my mind! Well!!! Let me tell you something amazingly hilarious that happened to me on there the other day!
It was a late Wednesday evening, I had just gotten in from class and I slid under my covers, propped my laptop on my lap and proceeded to check my email and what not. I decided to casually check okcupid. So, I log in... check my inbox and BAM! I got an IM!
Dude: Hey
Dude: Do you recognize me?
Dude: You work at the bank, right?
Me: What?! Who is this? Hold on, let me check out your pics.... (mind you, his default pic was of him...shoulders down.... holding a surfboard... wtf?! That must say something?!!?! anyways...)
I click on his profile, then quickly click on his pics... and... well... here's the thing...there are 4 types of people/customers I remember/recognize at the bank:
1. Cute people
2. Annoying people
3. Mean people
4. Nice people
Well!! Wouldn't you know! He fell right into category #2!! Wait for it... it doesn't stop there!! I feel that category #2 has a few subcategories....
2a. Annoying chicks that think their good looks will make up for their stupidity
2b. Annoying dude customers that talk too much and think they're bad to the bone and try to put moves on you... they also tent to look mousey.... just their appearance annoys the fuck out of you.
2c. Customers who can't fill out a simple deposit or withdraw slip... all you have to do is read... READ!!!
The list goes on but those 3 are the top.
I'm sure you guessed that he falls in to category 2b of customers I remember at the bank.... if you did, then you're right! Go buy a lottery tickey, you're probably feeling pretty luck today!! haha Seriously though, that's the dude that IM'd me!!!
So, I reply with...
Me: oh, yeah, hey
Dude: How are you?
Me: good, you?
Dude: Good, So, how long have you been on here?
(meanwhile I had a message in my inbox and I was replying to it, and I was so flustered and annoyed by category 2 subcategory B dude that I accidentally sent the mail mid sentence and had to send an apology email lookin like an ass!!!!)
Me: Eh... I've been on and off... hey, I gotta go, cya around!
WTF!?!?! WHY ME?!?!!?
How insane was that!?! It just had to be subcategory 2b dude! Why couldn't it be a dude from category #1!!!!!!??? Sigh!! Just my luck!! Hahaha! It's a pretty funny story though!
I definitely don't look forward to the day he walks into the bank! Because you know that a dude from subcategory 2b would be the type that walks in all rico-suave like and bring it up!!! Get the fuck outta my face!!!!!!!
He will be referred to as Mr.2b from now on... so if he walks in and starts 2bing around... you bet your bottom dollar I'm blogging about it!!!!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
I'd like to thank...
Wahh! I never thought I'd ever get a blog award!
But! My dearest blogger friend Rach at How Fickle Is Woman awarded me with the Stylish Blogger award. How exciting!!
Here are the rules to accepting this award!
1. Thank the person who sent the award to you.... CHECK!
2. Share 7 things about yourself.... will do that in a sec!
3. Pass the award on to bloggers who you think are awesome!....thinking....
4. Contact the bloggers you picked and let them know about the award!....will do at the end of post :)
Seven things about myself?! Shit... what to share? what to share?
One: Here's something silly.... When I was younger I thought that if I forgot to flush the toilet after I peed, whoever came in the bathroom next and saw my pee would know what my vagina looked like.... true story!
Two: I don't think I've ever mentioned this in this blog, but I am a crafter! I love love love creating art and crafting! I love collecting ribbons and scraps of paper. I love making greeting cards, and I love some good ol' art therapy... here are a few pics of things I made....
Four: I am currently in school pursuing my dream! I am in culinary school for Pastry Arts!! It's something that I've wanted to do for 10 years now! I'm enjoying it greatly!!!
Five: When I cook/bake alone, I pretend I'm doing a cooking show.... in Australia... yup! I talk with the accent and everything.... I think I semi got it down. I catch myself speaking quite intensely like the crocodile hunter did...rip.
Six: I have 3 tattoos.... my first one I got when I was 16? or 17? With my fake ID! haha! It's a bumble bee, the second one I got maybe 7 months ago? My bestie and I got tattoos together... When we first started hanging out in High School, we called ourselves the Rude Chicks! so... 10 yrs later we decided to get tats.. I got rude on the back of my right arm just above the elbow and she got chicks on the back of her left arm.. so when we stand together it reads rude chicks... here's a pic!
My third tattoo I got 3 months ago, I got it on my inner left arm and it's a bob dylan lyric "It's life, and life only" from the song "It's alright ma, I'm only bleeding" it's a beautiful song!
Seven: Lucky number seven!!! I want to make this one super juicy!!! But my life is pretty boring! I'm a really laid back kinda gal. I crack jokes, laugh at myself, curse like a sailor and love getting down and dirty. I love singing in my car thinking I'm a great harmonizer. I love road trips. Janis Joplin is my idol. I love board games. I love love. I hate love. I love you and you and you and you! The End!
Now!! To pass the award onto other lovely bloggers!!! Well! I think I have about 3 bloggers to share!!
1. The lovely L xxx at Ramblings of a Singleton
2. Mr. Jonathan at The Titan Project
3. The lovely Triathletegal at Serial Datist who actually inspired me to start this blog
There ya have it!! My participation in this lovely awesome blog award!!!!
Congrats to those who have been awarded!!! Keep it rollin!!
But! My dearest blogger friend Rach at How Fickle Is Woman awarded me with the Stylish Blogger award. How exciting!!
Here are the rules to accepting this award!
1. Thank the person who sent the award to you.... CHECK!
2. Share 7 things about yourself.... will do that in a sec!
3. Pass the award on to bloggers who you think are awesome!....thinking....
4. Contact the bloggers you picked and let them know about the award!....will do at the end of post :)
Seven things about myself?! Shit... what to share? what to share?
One: Here's something silly.... When I was younger I thought that if I forgot to flush the toilet after I peed, whoever came in the bathroom next and saw my pee would know what my vagina looked like.... true story!
Two: I don't think I've ever mentioned this in this blog, but I am a crafter! I love love love creating art and crafting! I love collecting ribbons and scraps of paper. I love making greeting cards, and I love some good ol' art therapy... here are a few pics of things I made....
![]() |
I made this after the break up from my first love. |
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I took a drawing class and fell in love with line drawing! |
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Fused plastic greeting card! |
Four: I am currently in school pursuing my dream! I am in culinary school for Pastry Arts!! It's something that I've wanted to do for 10 years now! I'm enjoying it greatly!!!
Five: When I cook/bake alone, I pretend I'm doing a cooking show.... in Australia... yup! I talk with the accent and everything.... I think I semi got it down. I catch myself speaking quite intensely like the crocodile hunter did...rip.
Six: I have 3 tattoos.... my first one I got when I was 16? or 17? With my fake ID! haha! It's a bumble bee, the second one I got maybe 7 months ago? My bestie and I got tattoos together... When we first started hanging out in High School, we called ourselves the Rude Chicks! so... 10 yrs later we decided to get tats.. I got rude on the back of my right arm just above the elbow and she got chicks on the back of her left arm.. so when we stand together it reads rude chicks... here's a pic!
My third tattoo I got 3 months ago, I got it on my inner left arm and it's a bob dylan lyric "It's life, and life only" from the song "It's alright ma, I'm only bleeding" it's a beautiful song!
Seven: Lucky number seven!!! I want to make this one super juicy!!! But my life is pretty boring! I'm a really laid back kinda gal. I crack jokes, laugh at myself, curse like a sailor and love getting down and dirty. I love singing in my car thinking I'm a great harmonizer. I love road trips. Janis Joplin is my idol. I love board games. I love love. I hate love. I love you and you and you and you! The End!
Now!! To pass the award onto other lovely bloggers!!! Well! I think I have about 3 bloggers to share!!
1. The lovely L xxx at Ramblings of a Singleton
2. Mr. Jonathan at The Titan Project
3. The lovely Triathletegal at Serial Datist who actually inspired me to start this blog
There ya have it!! My participation in this lovely awesome blog award!!!!
Congrats to those who have been awarded!!! Keep it rollin!!
l xxx,
stylish blog award,
I have failed you readers.... I do apologize!
I swear, last night just before going to bed, I swear I had a good idea for a blog post.... then I woke up and completely forgot it..... and then throughout the day I've been trying to remember what it was!!! Then I really wasn't sure if maybe I dreamed that I had an idea for a blog post... because for some reason last nights dream sequence meshed with real life and left me feeling a bit unsure of what was real and what wasn't. So, it's hard to say really if I actually consciously thought of the idea for the blog post or just subconsciously thought it.
In any case... there's is a bit of somethin somethin goin on right now in my life, but I don't want to talk about it just yet.... I'm worried I may jinx it! So, those of you who know me... personally... please, don't ask me to tell you if I haven't already.
Maybe the power of the secret is working? In two ways.... maybe it's just me being a goofball!
Anyways, here's a cute little love image I stumbled upon!! I got it from this article The Food of Love.
Alright then!
This post was short and sweet!
Have a great week ya'll!! And!! Happy Happy Hannukah!!!!
I swear, last night just before going to bed, I swear I had a good idea for a blog post.... then I woke up and completely forgot it..... and then throughout the day I've been trying to remember what it was!!! Then I really wasn't sure if maybe I dreamed that I had an idea for a blog post... because for some reason last nights dream sequence meshed with real life and left me feeling a bit unsure of what was real and what wasn't. So, it's hard to say really if I actually consciously thought of the idea for the blog post or just subconsciously thought it.
In any case... there's is a bit of somethin somethin goin on right now in my life, but I don't want to talk about it just yet.... I'm worried I may jinx it! So, those of you who know me... personally... please, don't ask me to tell you if I haven't already.
Maybe the power of the secret is working? In two ways.... maybe it's just me being a goofball!
Anyways, here's a cute little love image I stumbled upon!! I got it from this article The Food of Love.
Alright then!
This post was short and sweet!
Have a great week ya'll!! And!! Happy Happy Hannukah!!!!
the food of love
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