Monday, December 13, 2010

Mr. 2b

Alright! So, in last weeks first post, I lightly mentioned something I didn't want to jinx....well... I'm still not going to give you full details on what that is... but!!! I will reveal something to you lovely readers!!! Are you ready for this!?!?!

Ready for Miss Hypocrite 2010??


Here goes!!!

I... yours truly... miss single sally... miss single sally who wants to find true love in real life... has..... reactivated her okcupid account..... cringe!!!!!......

okay okay okay!!!

Lay it on me!! I can take it!!! I know I know I know!

I made a vow to myself and to you lovely readers that on-line dating wasn't for me! I tried it and I hated it! Maybe I didn't give it a solid, serious try? Maybe I put too much pressure on it! Anyways! I'm back on it and ready to take whatever it throws my way... well... not whatever it throws my way...

Let me digress a bit....

Back in the day, when I signed up on okcupid and I was actively using it, I started to think that, while I work at a bank... a public place.... in center city, I'm bound to run into a few people I see on okcupid!

There was this one dude that came into the bank once and I swear I saw him under my "Visitors" section of my okcupid profile... but neither of us said anything... which is a good thing.... it'd be weird and awkward....

This time, reactivating my account, I didn't think anything of it! The thought didn't even cross my mind! Well!!! Let me tell you something amazingly hilarious that happened to me on there the other day!

It was a late Wednesday evening, I had just gotten in from class and I slid under my covers, propped my laptop on my lap and proceeded to check my email and what not. I decided to casually check okcupid. So, I log in... check my inbox and BAM! I got an IM!

Dude: Hey
Dude: Do you recognize me?
Dude: You work at the bank, right?
Me: What?! Who is this? Hold on, let me check out your pics.... (mind you, his default pic was of him...shoulders down.... holding a surfboard... wtf?! That must say something?!!?! anyways...)

I click on his profile, then quickly click on his pics... and... well... here's the thing...there are 4 types of people/customers I remember/recognize at the bank:

1. Cute people
2. Annoying people
3. Mean people
4. Nice people

Well!! Wouldn't you know! He fell right into category #2!! Wait for it... it doesn't stop there!! I feel that category #2 has a few subcategories....

2a. Annoying chicks that think their good looks will make up for their stupidity
2b. Annoying dude customers that talk too much and think they're bad to the bone and try to put moves on you... they also tent to look mousey.... just their appearance annoys the fuck out of you.
2c. Customers who can't fill out a simple deposit or withdraw slip... all you have to do is read... READ!!!

The list goes on but those 3 are the top.

I'm sure you guessed that he falls in to category 2b of customers I remember at the bank.... if you did, then you're right! Go buy a lottery tickey, you're probably feeling pretty luck today!! haha Seriously though, that's the dude that IM'd me!!!

So, I reply with...

Me: oh, yeah, hey
Dude: How are you?
Me: good, you?
Dude: Good, So, how long have you been on here?

(meanwhile I had a message in my inbox and I was replying to it, and I was so flustered and annoyed by category 2 subcategory B dude that I accidentally sent the mail mid sentence and had to send an apology email lookin like an ass!!!!)

Me: Eh... I've been on and off... hey, I gotta go, cya around!


WTF!?!?! WHY ME?!?!!?

How insane was that!?! It just had to be subcategory 2b dude! Why couldn't it be a dude from category #1!!!!!!??? Sigh!! Just my luck!! Hahaha! It's a pretty funny story though!

I definitely don't look forward to the day he walks into the bank! Because you know that a dude from subcategory 2b would be the type that walks in all rico-suave like and bring it up!!! Get the fuck outta my face!!!!!!!


He will be referred to as Mr.2b from now on... so if he walks in and starts 2bing around... you bet your bottom dollar I'm blogging about it!!!!



  1. OMG how horrible! I use to online date, and in all honesty I never even thought about the possibility of seeing people out that I saw profiles for online- that would be pretty awful.

    Good luck with your man hunting, and here's to 2B not bumping into you anytime soon!


  2. I feel your pain, I have tried every online dating site there is and they all stink, including Okcupid. I had nothing but bad experiences thanks to them, though I was unlucky enough not to bump into a girl who was on there without arranging it first... awkward!

    Actually the main problem was all the bots telling me "hey, your cute, we should meet, check out my site." How about NO!
